ReliXchange Day 2

30. October 2014

Today is the second day of the German-Egyptian youth exchange: our knowledge about cultural diversity — especially within the area of Berlin — increases. During the first activity we discover that we all perceive our surroundings in a different way.



Afterwards we are guided through two different churches: a Catholic one and a Protestant one. Later on, the lunch at the “Route66” American Restaurant gives us the opportunity to rediscuss our impressions and strengthen our relations. Then we are introduced to the GPS city rally through the centre of Berlin that was especially designed for us as religious communicators. The tour leads us to very interesting religious historical places: from the Holocaust Memorial, over synagoges and churches to political places of crucial importances for Germany.



After this long trip all four competing groups meet again in the hostel, inspired by the discovery of religious and artistic places of Berlin. We gather in the seminar room in order to share our impressions of the day by presenting our pictures and moreover talking about public and private space in the city. Through this meeting our different perspectives and points of view are brought together and enrich our picture of Germany’s multicultural capital.

Authors: Rukayyah Reichling, Diva Saidze, Carol Daniel, Amany Ibrahim












A project as part of the German-Egyptian Transformation Partnership

AA_Web_enThe ReliXchange project receives financial support by the German-Egyptian Transformation  Partnership through the German Foreign Office, by funds of the Ecclesiastical Development Services through Bread for the World Protestant Church Development Service and by the “International Youth Work” Programme of the German Federal Child and Youth Plan through BKJ

ReliXchange Day 1 ReliXchange Day 3
ReliXchange Day 1
ReliXchange Day 3

