14,4km e.V. is a non-profit organisation that helps to develop good ideas across border lines. Our founders come from both sides of the Mediterranean, our team works mainly in Berlin. It is our mission to help co-operations and equal partnerships become reality between Europe and North Africa/the Middle East.
We develop, implement and support projects and events in Germany and internationally between Europe and the MENA region. This involves imparting information to interested parties and laying the foundations for intercultural exchange.
We link up partners in North Africa/the Middle East and Europe and develop cooperations with them. In doing so, 14,4km e.V. distinguishes itself through horizontal and personal work processes. Efficient and decentral administration procedures enable us to allocate the highest percentage possible of our resources and funds to projects.
You can donate and help us bridge the 14,4 kilometers. 14,4km e.V. is a registered non-profit organisation that is based mainly on voluntary work to achieve its goal of fostering intercultural cooperation and exchange between Europe and the MENA region. Donations enable us to support intercultural dialogue and exchange as well as co-operation between Europe and North Africa/the Middle East on a long-term basis.