On short notice: Internship placement with 14km (Berlin) from 4 August to 30 September 2014

2. July 2014

From 4 August, an internship placement is available at the Berlin office of 14km (until minimum 30 September, or longer). It is a part time internship with weekly working hours from Monday to Wednesday, 10am-6pm. The internship is unpaid.


The envisioned tasks of the intern consist in:

– Supporting the preparation and organisation of one or more international exchange projects

– Research and maintenance of international contacts

– Setup and maintenance of a new contact database

– Supporting PR activities

– Creative work on website texts and photos

– Supporting the conceptualisation of future projects

– The conceptualisation of own project ideas is possible.


If you are interested, please send your application, consisting of a short cover letter and your CV, via email to Anja Gebel at info@14km.org. We are looking forward to receive your application until 7 July!

Peace Doves, Flower Throwers und Nefertiti with Gas Mask – a 14km Street Art Workshop On an exchange visit to 14km – Ahmed Hassen from el Takeiba Center (Cairo)
Peace Doves, Flower Throwers und Nefertiti with Gas Mask – a 14km Street Art Workshop
On an exchange visit to 14km – Ahmed Hassen from el Takeiba Center (Cairo)

