14,4km de:kolonial film and discussion series (2019)

The successful film and discussion series will be continued! 14,4km e.V. invites you to watch movies and discuss with us. This time we will be de:colonial.

From July on four events are on the agenda:

  1. Evening: July 10th, 2019: „Racism in Germany“, Film “Afro.Deutschland” (2017; Jana Pareigis): https://www.facebook.com/events/344982506393317/
  2. Evening: August 14th, 2019: „Power Inequality and Resistance in Migration and Security Policy between EU and MENA Region“, Film: “Behind the sea” (2017; Leila Saadna): https://www.facebook.com/events/2437876696445534/
  3. Evening: September 11th, 2019: „´White Saviours´ in Action? A critical gaze on international voluntary services”, Film: “H.O.P.E was here” (2014; Mark Denega): https://www.facebook.com/events/451898908991096/
  4. Evening: October 9th, 2019: „Neocolonialism in international economic relations“; Film: “Congo Calling” (2019; Stephan Hilpert):https://www.facebook.com/events/2345258095740608/

14.4km and the de:colonial film and discussion series aims to convey a more differentiated picture of social and political realities in the North African and Middle-Eastern region. We encourage visitors to engage intensively and reflectively with the thematic frame of the evenings. In this year´s season, we aim to raise awareness to the more or less subtle, or even unknown forms of oppression and dependence within the EU-MENA (Middle East and North Africa) relationship and are dealing with topics around racism/white supremacy, power inequality and resistance in migration and security policy, white saviourism and neo-colonialism in international economic relations. The four events will offer a critical analysis and present alternative approaches and solution-finding. Come, share, discuss and encounter!

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