3. de:kolonial film and discussion evening

29. August 2019

„´White Saviours´ in Action? A critical gaze on international voluntary services”

When and Where: September 1th, 2019, 6 pm,
Filmrauschpalast Moabit, Lehrter Straße 35, 10557 Berlin

The third de:colonial film and discussion evening will focus on “International Volunteer Services – White Saviors in Action” and will take a critical but constructive view on international volunteer services with a special focus on the MENA region. Self-criticism should also be practiced and constructively elaborated. Many European students and young people engage in voluntary work in countries of the Global South, including MENA region, and have their placements arranged by mediating organisations. For some time now, voluntary work in Europe has also been offered to young people from countries of the Global South. But to what extent can those stays also be harmful?

The film H.O.P.E Was Here: Wealthy college students from Boston embark on a week-long voluntary service. With good will, the students travel to the slums of Lima, Peru and try to “help”. The trip is a point of controversy for socially conscious millennials. In their attempts to teach English and work with children with disabilities, students have to face the reality of their work and ask themselves whether they really can implement any positive changes. A new interpretation of a classic moral dilemma. H.O.P.E. Was Here deals with the interface between privilege and poverty by asking what it really means to “help” other people.

We are glad to introduce the experts on the podium:

  • Annette Chammas, BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), Head of the Department “Civic Commitment, Global Warming and Global Engagement”
  • Camila Ardila Oviedo, student of social and cultural anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin and activist in the Colombian campaign Berlin. She has been living in Germany for 10 years and tries not to be “Germanized”. In addition, she´s been visiting Brazil for a research stay in the course of the ASA Program (Voluntary Service) in 2013 and 2017. Her main focuses are development aid criticism, human rights, gender, and environmental anthropology
  • Caroline Bunge is 14,4km e.V. vice-chairwoman. and since 2014. . She studied South and Central Asian Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Among other things she is coordinates the 14km internship program in Morocco. In 2014, she worked for several months as a volunteer for a women’s organisation in Agadir Lehna near Tata/ South Morocco. Since 2017 she has also been a team assistant at the Tracing Service Control Centre in the DRK General Secretary
  •  Khaoula Behi has been working aboubt Tunisian civil society since 2012 and develops specific knowledge about civil society modelling and social entrepreneurship. As an innovation expert and researcher, she works on various projects with various non-profit organisations and initiatives in the MENA region. Her work on implementing innovation systems focuses on co-creation and bottom-up innovation to enable social transformation, with a focus on strengthening local communities and sustainability. She is also co-founder of El Space, the Tunisian social innovation hub, and innovation manager of coinsence.org, a digital platform that enables entrepreneurs and civil society to service and exchange money
  • Maissa Lihedheb (14.4 km e.V. project coordinator and initiator of Classic Minority and scriptwriter) will moderate the event.

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„Um dem Leben einen Sinn zu geben, braucht man das Recht sich frei bewegen zu dürfen!“ – 4. de:kolonial film and discussion evening
„Um dem Leben einen Sinn zu geben, braucht man das Recht sich frei bewegen zu dürfen!“ –
4. de:kolonial film and discussion evening

