From Libya to Berlin: Study Trip on Youth Engagement

In the context of the EU project “Civil Initiatives Libya” 14km is currently organising a study trip for ten young Libyans to Berlin. The trip will take place from 14 to 21 September, 2014 under the topic “Promoting the civic and political engagement of youth”.
The visitors will meet different youth organisations and other interesting initiatives and institutions from the area of youth work in Berlin. There will be a lot of time for mutual exchange on civil and political engagement of young people in Germany and Libya. Moreover, the programme includes a German-Libyan BarCamp in which concrete projects can be developed jointly with the Libyan youth and strategies and methods for youth participation and engagement can be discussed.
Interested Libyan youth can currently apply with CIL for the participation in the study trip. Ideally, applicants are between 18 and 30 years old and already active in a civil society organisation in the country.
More information on the study trip as well as the application forms are available from
The Libya Herald has already published a short article on the study trip.