Daily Archives: 11. June 2013

Your shoes for traineeships in Egypt!

The donations campaign described below has finished. Currently, you can donate shoes to 14km and support our work. For doing so, please visit www.shuuz.de, enter our collection number 1081 and our post code 10559. Thank you very much! Take part in a quite special fundraising campaign: give your used shoes, therewith slum children from Egypt could received an education Since the revolutions and revolts in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria, people are fighting for freedom and democracy. But many obstacles are still put in the way of the the transformation processes. Many people are extremely poor and have no future perspective.    With your shoes donation you can make a contribution to peaceful development in Egypt!   14km supports therefore the project "Children At Risk". It helps young people (from 15) from the slum quarter Ezbet Chayrallah in Cairo, who already from childhood live in dangerous and unhealthy working conditions due to social circumstances. Within the framework of the project, these young persons are trained as carpenters and bakers and they are then supported in their search for a working position. They get so a perspective and the possibility to determine their(her) life independently. So they get a perspective and the possibility to govern their own lives. To help is very easy : Visit our shop window under  www.shuuz.de, then enter  here  our collective number 1081 as well as our postal code 10559, and print free of charge a package stamp. With it you can send for free your shoes (from 5 kgs - ask friends!) to the organization Shuuz, which converts it into a cash donation and transfers it to our account. 14Km supports at 100% the project "Children At Risk" in Cairo with your donation Even if it is only 1 pair of shoes - your contribution makes a difference! Many thanks for your donation!
